
2000-12-09 EC

State Aid Policy Services of General Interest home page


*2006-12-12 EC

State aid: Commission adopts new de minimis Regulation, exempting aid notification below €200,000

State aid: Revised ‘de minimis’ Regulation – frequently asked questions

*2006-11-22 EC

State aid: Commission adopts new state aid Framework for Research, Development and Innovation


*2006-11-17 EC

State Aid reform: modernising the current framework pdf

EVANS Lowri, Deputy Director General, DG Competition 

London, King's College & European State Aid Law Institute 

SAAP4つの柱、とくにrefined economic approach, ‘balancing test’の解説(Risk Capital Guidelineにつづき、framework on R&D&I)、effective procedureとしてRegional Aidblock exemption採択済、まもなくde minimis proposal、最終的にはGeneral Block Exemption; 871項の’aid’の定義については、’no discretion, no scope for balancing negative with positive effects’ ‘selective’要素を持たないtaxへの警戒感、加盟国におけるエンフォースメント等


*2006-11-17 EC [Official Journal]      

Commission Directive 2006/111/EC of 16 November 2006 on the transparency of financial relations between Member States and public undertakings as well as on financial transparency within certain undertakings (Codified version) pdf

いわゆるTransparency Directiveの最新版

*2006-11-08 EC

State Aid reform: where do we stand? Status of the State Aid Action Plan pdf

Lowri Evans, Deputy Director General, DG Competition

IBC Global Conferences, Brussels, 7th November 2006

reform 4つの柱、2つ目の’a refined economic approach’: ‘Assessing the compatibility of state aid is fundamentally about balancing the negative effects of aid on competition with its positive effects in terms of common interest.’ = balancing test

reformの現状: SAAP, June 2005; Decision and guidelines on SGEI, July 2005; Communication on aid to innovation, September 2005[economic analysis of market failures]; new Regional Aid Guidelines, October 2005; rules on short term credit insurance, December 2005; new Risk Capital Guidelines for SMEs, July 2006; new framework on R&D&I, November 2006[refined economic approach]; de minimis proposal, to be adopted in December 2006; best practices guideline[procedures], finalized internal proposal(first discussion with Members, summer 2007); draft new General Block Exemption, December 2006; Council’s enabling regulation, 2007; re-visit the notice on cooperation between national courts and Commission; new notice on State aid in the form of guarantees and a Communication on direct business taxation, re-visit the rescue and restructuring guidelines

*2006-10-18 EC       

Postal services: Commission proposes full market opening by 2009


’In the event that remaining net costs of providing universal service need to be covered, Member States will be able to choose from a range of options, including, for example, state aids, public procurement, compensation funds and cost sharing.’

Report from the Commission to the Council and the European Parliament on the application of the Postal Directive (Directive 97/67/EC as amended by Directive 2002/39/EC)

Report / Annex

’According to the Lisbon Strategy, the Internal Market must be made fully operational, while preserving the European social model, an element of which is the provision of effective and high quality Services of General Economic Interest (SGEI). This is a key component of the European welfare state.’

*2006-10-18 JFTC 



*2006-10-17 EC      

State aid: Commission to propose to the Council simplification of exemption procedures for certain types of state aid


*2006-10-10 EC   

Draft proposal for a Council Regulation amending Council Regulation (EC) No 994/98 of 7 May 1998 on the application of Articles 92 and 93 of the Treaty establishing the European Community to certain categories of horizontal state aid

*2006-07-21 JFTC      


MEMO: 独占領域を有する事業者のケースに際して、私的独占又は不当廉売行為の適用に関する考え方の明確化―スタンドアローンコスト方式を支持(独占領域の範囲の経済は独占領域で還元、競争分野においては競争業者と同条件で競争)

*2006-07-19 EC      

State aid: Commission adopts Guidelines on state aid to support risk capital investments in SMEs


Newly-adopted Community Guidelines on State aid to promote risk capital investments in small and medium-sized enterprises

SAAPに沿った、閾値再設定(light assessment / detailed assessment

*2006-05-16 Committee of the Regions

Opinion of the Committee of the Regions on the State aid Action Plan – Less and Better targeted State aid: a roadmap for State aid reform 2005-2009 pdf

*2006-05-10 EC

Staff: Commission appoints Deputy Director-General for Competition – responsibility for state aid control

*2006-04-26 EC   

Commission addresses specificities of social services – Communication from the Commission, Implementing the Community Lisbon programme: Social services of general interest in the European Union, SEC(2006) 516

白書(*2004-05-12 【継続トピックス】)を受けて、EC条約16条の文脈での敷衍化: 現在進行形の条約適用ロジック及び今後のよりよいモニタリングについて

*2006-04-24 European Parliament

Opinion on the Commission’s White Paper on services of General Interest (2005/2016(INI))

*2006-04-21 EC  

Less and better state aid for growth and jobs – the new rules on research, development and innovation, and risk capital”

Neelie Kroes, European Commissioner for Competition Policy

Informal Competitiveness Council, Graz, 21st April 2006

Draft Community guidelines on State aid and risk capital to small- and medium-sized enterprises pdf

Explanatory Memorandum

DRAFT: SAAP’balancing test’に基づき、Agency costs, Transaction costs, Risk aversion等の存在をrisk capital(インキュベーション期のエクイティファイナンスやベンチャーキャピタル等)に認めたうえで、詳細検討に入る閾値4条件(12か月間の額、no private participation等)、詳細検討時の着眼点(positive effectsとクラウデンング・アウト、distortion of competition等を比較)を記述


*2006-04-21 JFTC




*2006-04-20 EC

Community framework for state aid for research and development and innovation

 DRAFT: SAAP’balancing test’に基づき、正負両効果を衡量したのち、とくに詳細に検討すべきパートを掲げている(すべてのaidについて、incentive effect, necessity, proportionality、分野別ではそれぞれ閾値等)

*2006-04-07 EC

State aid: Commission publishes study on national enforcement of state aid rules

Modernisationから発したprivate actionレポート同様、加盟国におけるエンフォースメントを調査したもの(関連Notice, Notice on cooperation between national courts and the Commission in the State aid field, OJ [1995] C312/8); 加盟国裁判所に提訴される5つのケース〔加盟国による当事者への返還請求、加盟国に対する補助決定の無効請求、政府機関間の適合性をめぐる解釈争い、加盟国に対する損害賠償/差止請求、補助受託者に対する損害賠償/差止請求〕

*2006-04-04 EC  

Services Directive: Commission puts forward amended proposal official textアップは未: 2004/0001(COD)

MEMO(non-exhaustive): preamble (36) freedom of establishment / free movement of services区分け》; Article 1 Subject-matter - Article 1(2) 自由化・民営化との関連なし、(3) Services of General Economic Interest、独占体との関連なし、(4) media pluralismほかの措置への影響なし; Article 2 Scope - Article 2(2)(-a) SGIへの適用なし(SGIを指令等で明記するのは初か?)、(cd) audiovisual servicesへの適用なし; Article 3 Relationship with other provisions of Community law - Article 3(1)(C) Directive 89/552/EECの優先; Article 4 Definitions - Article 4(7a) overriding reasons relating to the public interestの具体列記

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) on the Commission's amended proposal for a Services Directive

Statement on the Revised Proposal for the Services Directive

Speech by Charlie McCREEVY, Commissioner for Internal Market and Services

European Parliament Plenary Session, Strasbourg, 4 April 2006

*2006-03-09 EC

State aid: Commission proposes cutting red tape for small state subsidies

State aid: Proposal to extend scope of ‘de minimis’ rule– frequently asked questions

Commission proposal for an amended de minimis rule pdf


*2006-02 EC

Study on methods to analyse the impact of State aid on competition

競争への影響をはじめ、社会厚生という観点から国家補助ルールのスキームを検討したもの(文献の検討、分析フレームワークの検討、R&D Aidの事例研究等)

*2006-02-09 EC

State aid: reform plan endorsed by stakeholders

今後の予定(new guidelines for risk capital and for R&D & Innovation (around summer 2006), new regulations regarding de minimis aid (by the end of 2006); NOTE: UK response, OFT responseあり


*2006-01-26 OFT  

Studies - public subsidies

”Green Book”に、cost/benefit分析に加え、競争に与える影響について検討すべきことを提唱(基本的には、これまでの流れのガイドライン化〔stage one: De minimis, Selectivity exemption, ‘Market indicator’ exemption [share, cumulative subsidy]stage two: full analysis [European State Aid ControlPhase 2と同じ]〕;プレスリリースでは検討経緯も付記、ECレベルの改革については’…the eventual result of the reform is uncertain, and is unlikely to be clear fro some time’と言及)

付記: Case studies of public subsidiesも付属、6つのケースについて、上記及び昨年11月の考え方〔SMCsと呼称:Subsidysize, selectivity, affect cost directly, recurring basis and marketconcentration, differentiation, barriers to entry, R&D characteristics〕に則って分析



Directive: Commission Directive 2005/81/EC of 28 November 2005 amending Directive 80/723/EEC on the transparency of financial relations between Member States and public undertakings as well as on financial transparency within certain undertakings

Decision: Commission Decision of 28 November 2005 on the application of Article 86(2) of the EC Treaty to State aid in the form of public service compensation granted to certain undertakings entrusted with the operation of services of general economic interest (notified under document number C(2005) 2673)

Framework: Community framework for State aid in the form of public service compensation

exception: transport sector (Article 73 EC), public service broadcasting (Communication) −いわゆる”Altmark Package”

*2005-11-23 OFT

OFT proposes practical economic basis for EC assessments

State Aid Action Plan*2005-06-07 EC)への提言(873項の解釈ガイドラインとして、第一段階:distortion of competition、第二段階:case-by-case analysis similar to Article 81, 82を提言); OFTによるtwo-stage studyfirst-stage*2004-11-24に報告〔拙稿近刊で紹介〕)を踏まえたもの; なお、よくまとまったState Aid Controlの整理も添付

*2005-09-21 EC

State aid: Commission launches public consultation on measures to improve state aid for innovation

Consultation document on state aid for innovation – frequently asked questions

cf. State Aid Action Plan site 

SAAPに則り、(a) a well-defined market failure has to exist (b) the aid instrument has to target the identified market failure (c) distortions of competition and the effect on

trade should be limited to ensure that the aid measure is not, on balance, against the general interestの観点から検討を加えたもの(初)


State aid: Commission provides greater legal certainty for financing services of general economic interest

frequently asked questions

*2005-06-07の具現化、Altmark Trans判決のEC委員会の完全消化;Decision863項に基づきcompatibility基準・exemption ruleを設定), DirectiveTransparency Directiveの改正、Altmark TransによってState Aidとそもそもされないパートに関しても会計分離・over-compensation抑止を明示), FrameworkDecisionにかからない一般的なケースに対応〔Transport, PSBは適用外〕)の三本立て

The State Aid Action Plan – Delivering Less and Better Targeted Aid”

Speech by Neelie Kroes, European Commissioner for Competition

UK Presidency Seminar on State Aid, London, 14th July 2005


State Aid: Commission outlines comprehensive five year reform of state aid policy to promote growth, jobs and cohesion

State Aid Action Plan – frequently asked questions

Speech: The State Aid Action Plan

By Neelie Kroes, Member of the European Commission in charge of Competition Policy

Introductory remarks at open meeting of coordinators of the Economic and Monetary Affairs Committee, European Parliament, Strasbourg, 7th June 2005

State Aid Action Plan; 全般的なロードマップ(less and better targeted state aid, a refined economic approach; effective procedures, better enforcement, higher predictability and enhanced transparency; shared responsibility: ガイドライン等の整理、block exemptionsの拡大; psb communication, cinema communicationのレビューも含む)


Commission defines approach for promoting high-quality services of general interest

White paper on services of general interest COM(2004) 327 pdf

Green paper -*2003-05-21 EC

Commission confirms the shared responsibility of the Union and its Member States by referring to the draft Constitutional Treaty and defines the guiding principles such as maintaining high levels of quality, ensuring cohesion and universal access, respecting diversity etc.;

Commission concludes horizontal framework legislation at this moment but considers to clarify the legal framework for the financing of public service obligations and the selection of undertakings with a service of general interest and also considers to develop a systematic approach to social and health services of general interest


European Commission launches a broad debate on the future of services of general interest – comments invited by September 15th

EC raises the question whether there is a need for creating a general legal framework for services of general interest at Community level

*2002-12-19 (2002-11-12)

Discussion Paper : Services of general economic interest and state aid pdf

for the seminar “Towards efficient and effective state aid: best practices in establishing the need and measuring the effects of state aid”, held in Maastrict on 20 November


Report on the state of play in the work on the guidelines for state aid and services of general economic interest pdf


Progress report concerning the reduction and reorientation of State aid – COM(2002) 555 final pdf


Report to the Seville European Council on the status of work on the guidelines for state aid and services of general economic interest – COM(2002) 280 final pdf


Report to the Laeken European Council – Services of General Interest – COM(2001) 598 final pdf


Communication from the Commission - Services of general interest in Europe pdf


Services of General Interest in Europe, 96/C 281/03 (-.tif file[in my site])


Case law – what constitutes ‘State Aid’


*2006-12-12 CFI 

Judgment of the Court of First Instance in Case T-146/03 Asociación de Estaciones de Servicio de Madrid et Federación Catalana de Estaciones de Servicio v Commission

Press release / full-text

judicial review on Commission’s decision - ”manifest error”基準 / スペインのhypermarket参入促進法関連(’led to the granting of State aid’

*2006-12-12 CFI   

Judgment of the Court of First Instance in Case T-155/04 SELEX v Commission


concept of an ‘undertaking’: Eurocontrol is not acting as an undertaking for the purposes of Article 82 when acting as a standardisation authority or financing research and development [機能分解para.59-]

*2006-09-11 ヤマト運輸  


「東京高等裁判所は弁論準備手続において『ゆうパックのスタンドア ローンコストを立証する機会を与える』との意向を当社に示しました。また、当社の文書提出命令申立に対しその発令を留保した上で公正取引委員会の強制調査権並びに専門的解析能力に期待してはどうかという示唆がありました。」

*2006-07-05 EFTA SA

State aid e-news

SGEI判断のケース(215/06/COL); state aid該当4要件のうち、necessity testについて、PSOとそれ以外の商業サービスの切り分け無しのため、不十分と判断(なお、EEA Agreement 611項がEC条約871項に、EEA Agreement 592項がEC条約862項に該当)

*2006-07-20 EC      

State aid: Commission requests Belgium to clarify financing of public service broadcaster VRT

cf.*2005-03-03 Germany, Netherlands, Ireland (still pending); *2005-04-20  France, Italy, Spain, Portugal (closed)

*2006-07-20 EC      

State aid: Commission opens inquiry into state financing of digital terrestrial television (DVB-T) in German Länder of Bavaria and North Rhine-Westphalia

cf.*2005-11-09 EC guidanceを提示〕

*2006-07-11 ECJ   

Judgment of the Court of Justice in Case C-205/03P FENIN/Commission



cf.*2003-03-04 CFI Judgment [press release] の確定*2004-01-22 OFT; *2005-11-10 ECJ AG Opinion

*2006-07-07 EC         

State aid: public service broadcasting in Germany - joint press declaration of European Commissioner Neelie Kroes and Minister-Presidents Kurt Beck and Edmund Stoiber


*2006-07-05 EC       

State aid: Commission endorses financial restructuring plan for Portuguese public broadcaster RTP

Altmarkテスト後、コミュニケーション、アムステルダムprotocolに則りSGEIテスト〔かつての子会社にat 0-costでスポーツ放送権を移転、等も検討〕


*2006-06-22 EC 

State aid: Commission orders Dutch public service broadcaster NOS to pay back €76.3 million excess ad hoc funding

*2006-06-07 AMC   

On June 7, 2006, the Antitrust Modernization Commission will hold a public meeting during which Commissioners will deliberate on possible recommendations. The Commission will deliberate on the state action doctrine and international antitrust issues

Documents: Discussion Outline re: State Action Doctrine, Discussion Memorandum re: State Action Doctrine込み

”clear articulation prong”, “active supervision” prongの変更・明確化、market participation exception/interstate spillover exceptionの設定の是非、state action doctrinecodifyすべきか等が検討テーマ: FTCレポート、過去の判例で用いられた概念等も検討

*2006-06-07 CFI 

Judgment of the Court of First Instance in Case T-613/97 Ufex and Others v Commission


元判決[2000-12-14 CFI]、差し戻し[2003-07-03 ECJ]に続く判決(cf.2006-04-12, 21 JFTCペーパー:ラ・ポスト事件要約も参照)

*2006-03-22 EC  

State aid: Commission closes inquiry into financing of Portuguese public broadcaster following commitments

2003年末決定(対イタリア、ポルトガル、フランス)で残っていたポルトガルのケース: 2001年コミュニケーションに沿って、over-compensation / cross-subsidies防止、商業分野におけるイコールフッティングを措置(同種の話は、ドイツ、アイルランド、オランダのケースがペンディング)


*2006-03-02 EC 

Strengthening the European Creative Industries in the Light of the i2010 Strategy

Neelie Kroes, Member of the European Commission in charge of Competition Policy

Opening address at the Austrian Presidency Expert Seminar: Content for competitiveness, Vienna, 2nd March 2006

2007-2008の間にCommunicationrevise; “Developing technology has blurred the traditional concept of broadcasting. Today, content is increasingly distributed over new platforms such as the Internet. So policy makers need to reflect on the mission of public service broadcasters in this new media environment.”

*2006-02-24 EC  

State aid: Commission endorses public service compensation for UK Post

rural countersを支えるためのaidcompensation testをパス:”Altmark package”

cf.*2006-02-24 DTI £300 million post office support secured over next two years

*2006-01 BBC

BBC Fair Trading Guidelines

BBC Fair Trading Guidelines / Fair Trading Commitment / Trailing of commercial products on public service channels [January 2006追加] (cf. Television broadcasting services: A report on the publicising, in the course of supplying a television broadcasting service, of goods supplied by the broadcaster

Fair Trading: quarterly complaints bulletins

related EC documents

Communication from the Commission on the application of State aid rules to public service broadcasting, Official Journal C 320, 15.11.2001, pages 5-11

Transparency Directive

*2005-04-20 EC

State aid: Commission closes inquiries into French, Italian and Spanish public broadcasters following commitments to amend funding systems

”appropriate measures”確認、審査終了(*2005-03-03決定にも言及)

cf.*2003-12-10 France2年以内のcommiment

cf.*2003-10-15 Italy(法改正終了), Spain2005年末までのcommitment

*2005-03-03 EC

State aid: Commission requests Germany, Ireland and The Netherlands to clarify role and financing of public service broadcasters

Public service broadcasting and state aid – frequently asked questions

下記の前例を踏襲(clear definition of public service remit, separation of accounts, adequate mechanism to prevent overcompensation; 新味は、ドイツ・オランダについて提起された、online activitiesのファイナンス

cf.*2003-12-10 France, 2003-10-15 Portugal, Italy, Spain

*2004-11-24 OFT

New research by the OFT examines the potential for public subsidies to distort competition and highlights gaps in the current EC and national regimes governing the provision of subsidies – State aid policy in the UK and EC

”consideration should be given to ways of supplementing policy appraisal guidance to ensure that competition considerations are included as one of the factors to be taken into account when designing a subsidy” (including implication on EC state aid rules)…and in next step, OFT will develop the broad recommendation through specific case studies

*2004-09-14 EC

State Aid Cases - Documents for information

internal documents on pending cases: subsidy on DTT in Sweden and Germany [aid to DVB-T is capable of distorting competition since it competes with DVB-C and DVB-S ], rescue aid on Telecom etc.

*2004-07-28 EC

Case T-309/04: Action brought on 28 July 2004 by TV2/DANMARK A/S against the Commission of the European Communities pdf [2004] OJ C 262/43

*2004-07-02 Danish Government

Press Release:

Denmark to appeal TV2 ruling

Denmark will file an EC Court appeal in hopes of reversing the EU's ruling on illegal state subsidies to TV2

cf.*2004-05-19 EC

*2004-05-19 EC

Commission orders Danish public broadcaster TV2 to pay back excess compensation for public service tasks

Assess the net cost of public service provision (check over-compensation) by looking whether TV2 aims to maximize revenue in commercial activities. In addition, Danish State is considered to fail private investor test (or market economy investor test) - Following the other PSB decisions’ reasoning*2003-10-15 RAI (Italy), RTP (Portugal)*2003-12-10 France 2 and 3 (France)

Official Text: Commission Decision on measures implemented by Denmark for TV2/Danmark (2005/217/EC) pdf [2006] OJ L 85/1

コミュニケーションpoint 56に従う会計区分を実施している場合の、EC委員会の判断方法(para.105など)、同point 58の記述のように、同様のポジションにある効率的な商業事業者を下回る価格設定であるか否かの判断方法(para.131以下)

cf.*2003-01-21 launch of the probe

*2004-05-06 Italy



*2004-04-13 EC


TF1 v Commission, Action brought on 13 April 2004, [2004] O.J. C 168/8

appeals to annul the Decision C(2003) 4497final, main arguments are: application of Article 86(2) and Transparency Directive (Directive 80/723)

cf.*2003-12-10 EC

*2003-12-10 EC

Public financing of television in France between 1988 and 1994 proportional to the cost of its public service obligations – State Aid

[application of the method laid down in the communication on the application of state aid rules to public service broadcasting] ad hoc aid is limited to compensation for the costs of public service obligations; to ensure the same conditions of competition on commercial markets, EC proposes “appropriate measures”…sufficient guarantee for no overcompensation; cf. EC also checked the public service obligations and considered them as a service of general interest.

cf.*2003-10-15 EC

*2003-11-27 ECJ

Judgments of the Court of Justice in Cases C-34/01 to C-38/01 Enirisorse – State Aid

Allocation of a proportion of port charges to an undertaking responsible for handling goods in ports constitutes State aid if it is not linked to public-service duties the costs of which have been clearly defined beforehand [Altmark affirmed]

*2003-11-20 ECJ

Judgment of the Court of Justice in Case C-126/01 GEMO – State Aid

conditions must be met all: granted through State resources, mitigates the charges which are normally included in the budget of an undertaking, selectivity, affects trade between Member States; In detail, financial cost involved in the disposal of animal carcasses and slaughterhouse waste must be considered to be an inherent cost of the economic activities of farmers and slaughterhouses - incompatible with Article 87(1) EC

*2003-10-15 EC

Commission decides on public TV financing in Italy and PortugalState Aid (Communication on the application of State Aid rules to public service broadcasting)

Both cases are compatible with Article 86(2) – compensation is not beyond the net (additional) cost of public service broadcasting: at the same time, DG Comp sent Italy, Portugal and Spain letters stating that its preliminary view on how financing of public TV can be made more transparent and how sufficient safeguards against excessive public subsidies - that enable cross-subsidisation of commercial activities - can be introduced (“appropriate measures”)

Initial Proceedings:

*2001-11-13 Commission opens investigation on ad-hoc aid granted to the Portuguese public broadcaster RTP - Portugal

*1999-07-20 Commission opens formal procedure regarding certain aid measures for public broadcaster RAI (Italy) and raises no objections to other measuresItaly

*1999-02-03 Commission enjoins the Spanish government to submit information on the existing nature of the financing scheme of the public broadcaster RTVE and of the Regional public channels - Spain

*1999-02-03 The Commission enjoins the French, Italian and Spanish governments to submit information on the existing nature of the financing schemes of their respective public broadcasters – seeking the common approach for “dual” financing systems to finance public broadcaster

related document:

Address by Marcelino Oreja, Member of the European Commission to the Spanish Parliamentary Subcommittee on the RTVE (Spanish Broadcasting Corporation), Madrid, 11 December 1998 – funding of public broadcasting, problem of mixed funding

*2003-07-24 ECJ

Judgment of the Court of Justice in Case C-280/00 Altmark Trans et Regierungspräsidium Magdeburg

ECJ rules that financial support which merely represents compensation for public service obligations imposed by the Member States does not have the characteristics of State Aid - However, for such compensation not to be classified as State aid in a specific case, four conditions: clearly defined, established in advance, cover costs, proper compensation, must be satisfied – reversed AG LÉGER’s opinion, limited sovereignty approach

*2003-01-21 EC

State aid probe into possible overcompensation for Danish public service broadcaster TV2

*2003-01-14 ECJ

Opinion of the Advocate General in the case C-280/00 Altmark Trans et Regierungspräsidium Magdeburg [second opinion]

Full text of the opinion

AG Léger takes the view that State financing of public services constitutes State aid within the meaning of the Treaty --- Considering the importance of the question, the Court decided to arrange to arrange a second hearing to request all the Member States and the Council and the Commission to put forward their points of view…it is an exceptional procedure ‘State Aid’ approach was proposed again

*2002-04-30 ECJ

GEMO – Case C-126/01 Opinion of Advocate General

AG Jacobs proposes that a distinction be established between two categories of case, based on the nature of the link between the financing granted and the duties imposed and on how clearly those duties are defined – ‘quid pro quo’ approach v Conventional compensation approach

*2002-03-19 ECJ

Altmark Trans - Case C-280/00 Opinion of Advocate General

Full text of the opinion

AG Léger suggests that the Court reverse its judgment in Ferring and rule that public service compensation ranks as state aid even where it merely offsets the costs of the public service


Ferring - Case C-53/00

The Court ruled that, where the amount of compensation granted by a Member State does not exceed what is necessary to discharge the public service task, such compensation does not confer an advantage on recipients and does not, therefore, constitute state aid within the meaning of Article 87(1)


Portuguese Television - Case T-46/97


FFSA - Case T-106/95 (upheld by order of the Court of 25 March 1998 in Case C-174/97 P)

In both cases, CFI held that such compensation constitutes state aid within the meaning of Article 87(1) of the Treaty even if the amount of such compensation does not exceed what is necessary to perform the public service task (provided that the other conditions of Article 87(1) met)


…traditionally, the Courts has taken the view that compensation paid by a Member State to undertakings providing SGEIs did not constitute aid if it were limited to offsetting the actual cost of performing the public service obligations


For ‘the most competitive and dynamic knowledge-based economy in the world’ – The Lisbon Strategy (March 2000)

2004-06-30 EC


*2006-08-25 EC  

EU telecoms reform: Commission continues debate with three studies

- An assessment of the regulatory framework for electronic communications: growth and investment in the EU e-Communications sector

- Preparing the Next Steps in Regulation of Electronic Communications - A contribution to the review of the electronic communications regulatory framework

- Experts’ report in relation with the Review of the Recommendation on markets subject to ex ante regulation

*2006-06-27 EC   

The Review 2006 of EU Telecom rules: Strengthening Competition and Completing the Internal Market

Viviane Reding, Member of the European Commission responsible for Information Society and Media

Annual Meeting of BITKOM, Brussels, Bibliothèque Solvay, 27 June 2006

MEMO: three challenges for Review 2006, spectrum – ‘a European spectrum agency’ / better regulation – Article 7 procedure遵守、’an independent European telecom regulator’18市場見直し / competition and investment – ドイツを引き合いに、反’regulatory holidays’BTを引き合いにstructural separation remedyについて


ICT for growth and jobs: most EU Member States need to be more ambitious, criticises Commission’s first annual progress report – i2010 Annual Report


Strengthening the European Creative Industries in the Light of the i2010 Strategy

Neelie Kroes, Member of the European Commission in charge of Competition Policy

Opening address at the Austrian Presidency Expert Seminar: Content for competitiveness, Vienna, 2nd March 2006

2007-2008の間にCommunicationrevise; “Developing technology has blurred the traditional concept of broadcasting. Today, content is increasingly distributed over new platforms such as the Internet. So policy makers need to reflect on the mission of public service broadcasters in this new media environment.”


Legislative proposal for the revision of the “Television without Frontiers” Directive – “Audiovisual Media Services Directive”

Press release: TV without Frontiers: Commission proposes modernised rules for digital era TV and TV-like services


Directive 89/552/EECのアップデート(広告規制緩和・””push”/”pull”型の区別による、放送・高速インターネット・第三世代携帯等の間のlevel playing field)、いわゆる通信放送融合法(Impact Assessment付き)

*2005-09-20-22 Liverpool Conference

EU: Audiovisual Conference: Between Culture and Commerce


Commission starts final phase in consultations on modernising EU rules for audiovisual content

2003年に開始されたTWFD見直しの最終段階かつ、*2005-06-01に示されたi2010に基づく、Issue Papersのパブコメ; “common information space”を目指すため、コンテンツ・ネットワーク両面の規制を見直すとともに、アナログ終了を推し進める (インターネットに対してTV並の規制を行うことを警戒する報道も)


Press release: Commission launches five-year strategy to boost the digital economy

Web site: i2010 - A European Information Society for growth and employment

Speech: i2010: Europe Must Seize the Opportunities of the Digital Economy

By Viviane Reding, Member of the European Commission responsible for Information Society and Media

Press Conference on the occasion of the launch of the initiative European Information Society 2010,Brussels, 1 June 2005

Pillar I: Single European Information Space Putting in place the right regulatory framework, including a modernisation of the EU rules on audiovisual content services; Pillar II: stronger ICT research; Pillar III: inclusion, better services for citizens and quality of life, including digital libraries


Working together for growth and jobs: a new start for the Lisbon Strategy

Speech by José Manuel Barroso, Président de la Commission européenne

Conference of Presidents, European Parliament, Brussels, 2 February 2005.

cf. Q+A: A new start for the Lisbon Strategy


Challenges for Europe’s Information Society beyond 2005: starting point for a new EU strategy

The Commission Communication "Challenges for the European Information Society beyond 2005" COM(2004) 757 pdf


Kok report calls for more determined political action to revitalise Lisbon strategy pdf


Communication on Mobile Broadband Services COM(2004) 447 pdf


Communication on Barriers to widespread access to new services and application of the information society through open platforms in digital television and third generation mobile communications COM(2003) 410 final pdf

Directive 98/48/EC, amending Directive 98/34/EC; Consolidated version (unofficial)


For real ‘convergence’ era – the Review of the Television without Frontier Directive (上記Lisbon Strategyとのconvergence部分は併記)

2003 EC


*2006-12-15 EC     

Agreement on the state aid case with respect to the funding of ARD and ZDF

*2006-12-13 MEP

MEPs set new rules on TV commercials and product placement

Report ***I [Codecision procedure (first reading) majority of the votes cast] (A6-0399/2006)

*2006-11-13/14 Council/European Parliament    


2762nd EDUCATION, YOUTH and CULTURE Council meeting - Brussels, 13 and 14 November 2006 (provisional version) pdf

European Parliament:

Television in the digital age: MEPs adopt a new approach to product placement

News: TV: MEPs adopt new approach to product placement

Agenda / Commission de la culture et de l'éducation

*2006-11-09 EC 

The modernisation of the Television without Frontiers Directive: Frequently asked questions

Prior to the vote in the Media&Culture Committee of the European Parliament and of the Council meeting of Audiovisual Ministers (both on 13 November 2006)

*2006-09-20 Ofcom        

Assessing Indirect Impacts of the EC Proposals for Video Regulation

適用範囲について、EC委員会mimeoへの言及あり(at vii; Value Chain Analysis: IPTV[VOD込み], Mobile Multimedia, Online Games

*2006-08-25 総務省  


*2006-06-08 EC    

Audiovisual media services directive: the right instrument to provide legal certainty for Europe’s media businesses in the next decade

Viviane Reding, Member of the European Commission responsible for Information Society and Media

Seminar “Regulating the new media landscape”, Brussels, 7 June 2006

一部条文解釈: blogs – do not have as their ‘principal purpose the delivery of moving images’; 新聞サイトのvideo footage – ‘only ancillary to it’Article 1(a)’audiovisual media service’に該当せず; co-regulationに言及する初のCommunity legislation; 今後のスケジュール:〔Mrs. Hieronymi will present her report in the committee in July, Adoption by the Committee is scheduled for October and finally the vote in plenary will take place in December 2006, A political agreement in Council could be under the German Presidency (1st half 2007) and second reading could take place under the Portuguese Presidency (2nd half 2007)

*2006-06-06 DCMS   

DCMS have launched a consultation on European Commission proposals to revise the European Union's Television Without Frontiers (TVWF) Directive



ICT for growth and jobs: most EU Member States need to be more ambitious, criticises Commission’s first annual progress report – i2010 Annual Report

*2006-05-18-19 Council   

Education, Youth Affairs and Culture Council, Brussels, 18-19 May 2006 (Audiovisual and media part)

The Commission Proposal for a Modernisation of the Television without Frontiers Directive: Frequently Asked Questions

2729th EDUCATION, YOUTH AND CULTURE Council meeting - Brussels, 18-19 May 2006 (provisional version)

take note of a progress reportEPの第一読会前)


Strengthening the European Creative Industries in the Light of the i2010 Strategy

Neelie Kroes, Member of the European Commission in charge of Competition Policy

Opening address at the Austrian Presidency Expert Seminar: Content for competitiveness, Vienna, 2nd March 2006

2007-2008の間にCommunicationrevise; “Developing technology has blurred the traditional concept of broadcasting. Today, content is increasingly distributed over new platforms such as the Internet. So policy makers need to reflect on the mission of public service broadcasters in this new media environment.”


Legislative proposal for the revision of the “Television without Frontiers” Directive – “Audiovisual Media Services Directive”

Press release: TV without Frontiers: Commission proposes modernised rules for digital era TV and TV-like services


Directive 89/552/EECのアップデート(広告規制緩和・””push”/”pull”型の区別による、放送・高速インターネット・第三世代携帯等の間のlevel playing field)、いわゆる通信放送融合法(Impact Assessment付き)

*2005-09-20-22 Liverpool Conference

EU: Audiovisual Conference: Between Culture and Commerce


Commission starts final phase in consultations on modernising EU rules for audiovisual content

2003年に開始されたTWFD見直しの最終段階かつ、*2005-06-01に示されたi2010に基づく、Issue Papersのパブコメ; “common information space”を目指すため、コンテンツ・ネットワーク両面の規制を見直すとともに、アナログ終了を推し進める (インターネットに対してTV並の規制を行うことを警戒する報道も)


Press release: Commission launches five-year strategy to boost the digital economy

Web site: i2010 - A European Information Society for growth and employment

Speech: i2010: Europe Must Seize the Opportunities of the Digital Economy

By Viviane Reding, Member of the European Commission responsible for Information Society and Media

Press Conference on the occasion of the launch of the initiative European Information Society 2010,Brussels, 1 June 2005

Pillar I: Single European Information Space Putting in place the right regulatory framework, including a modernisation of the EU rules on audiovisual content services; Pillar II: stronger ICT research; Pillar III: inclusion, better services for citizens and quality of life, including digital libraries


European Commission reorganises its Information Society and Media DG

Downloadable Organisation Chart (.pdf format) pdf


Challenges ahead for the European Commissioner for Convergence

Speech by Viviane Reding, Member of the European Commission responsible for Information Society and Media

Opening of the European Cable Communication Association Conference, Brussels, 18 January 2005

”The European Commissioner for convergence”


Business without frontiers: Europe’s new broadcasting landscape

Viviane Reding, Member of the European Commission responsible for Information Society and Media

European Media Leaders Summit 2004, London, 7 December 2004



Interactive TV: Commission reiterates its support for open and interoperable standards, but says implementation should not be made legally binding

Communication on Interoperability of interactive digital TV services pdf - The Communication sets out the Commission's position on the issue as required under Art.18 of Directive 2002/21/EC

seeking dual policy objective: general interests (free flow of information, media pluralism and cultural diversity…allowing subsidy to MHP receivers in Italy) and market forces – the Commission will review the situation in the second half of 2005

cf.*2004-04-30 EBU Comments by the EBU pdf

cf.*2004-03-18 EC Staff Working Paper pdf


More legal certainty for TV advertising: the Commission clarifies its interpretation of the "Television without Frontiers" (TVWF) Directive

Dealing with the development of new advertising techniques, such as split screen, interactive advertising and virtual advertising and the increasing use of new forms of advertising

cf. Commission interpretative communication on certain aspects of the provisions on televised advertising in the 'Television without frontiers' Directive OJ C 102/2 24.8.2004


European Commission presents new roadmap for short-and medium term update of EU audiovisual policy

Communication on the future of European regulatory audiovisual policy COM(2003)784final adopted on 15.12.2003 pdf

set up short term/medium term review and timeline

*2003-06-25  European Parliament

Report on Television without Frontiers (2003/2033(INI)) A5-0251/2003 pdf

set up the baseline for the Commission's review --- including wider perspective that the role of regulation in audiovisual sector extends to new television services


Merger Review 2000-06-282004-05-01 EC


New Merger Regulation took effect


Merger - Implementing Regulation documents available

*2004-01-29 EC

Merger Review documents:

Council Regulation (EC) No 139/2004 of 20 January 2004 on the control of concentrations between undertakings pdf - New EC Merger Regulation

Official Journal L 24, 29.01.2004, pages 1-22

Guidelines on the assessment of horizontal mergers under the Council Regulation on the control of concentrations between undertakings pdf 

Official Journal C 31, 05.02.2004, pages 5-18

*2004-01-20 EC

EU gives itself new merger control rules for 21st century

New Merger Regulation frequently asked questions

final approval for new ECMR, coming into force in May 1st

cf.*2003-11-27 EC Commission welcomes agreement on new Merger Regulation and so forth; for reference, history of Merger Review


Competitiveness Council - Brussels, 13 May 2003 [2003-05-12 press release]

Review of the Merger Regulation: Ministers will have a first discussion on the Commission's proposal for a new Merger Regulation


New regulation was adopted by the Commission

Commission adopts comprehensive reform of EU merger control

Merger Review - Proposal for a Council Regulation on the control of concentrations between undertakings


Merger control in the European Union : a radical reform / メモ - Speech by Mario MONTI, Commissioner for Competition Policy

European Commission/IBA Conference on EU Merger Control, Brussels, Belgium, 07.11.2002


OPINION of the Economic and Social Committee on the Green Paper on the Review of Council Regulation (EEC) No. 4064/89 (COM(2001) 745 final)


Review of the EC Merger Regulation - Roadmap for the reform project - Speech by Mario MONTI, Commissioner for Competition Policy

Conference on Reform of European Merger Control, British Chamber of Commerce, Brussels, Belgium


Submissions received on the Green Paper on the review of Council Regulation (EEC) No. 4064/89


Commission launches wide-ranging discussion on reform of merger control regime - Press Release - IP/01/1795

Green Paper on the Review of Council Regulation (EEC) No 4064/89 - COM(2001) 745/6 pdf

Annexe I / Annexe II


Report to the Council on the application of the Merger Regulation thresholds - COM(2000) 399 final


1999-04-282004-05-01 EC

Modernisation of the rules implementing Articles 81 and 82 of the EC Treaty


New regulation took effect


Antitrust - General procedural rules published (Modernisation Package)


"Modernisation Package" Commission finalises modernisation of the EU antitrust enforcement rules


Council Regulation (EC) No 1/2003 of 16 December 2002 on implementation of the rules on competition laid down in Article 81 and 82 of the Treaty, OJ L1 4.1.2003 pdf


Reform plan was adopted in the Council meeting / メモ

Landmark reform simplifies and strengthens antitrust enforcement [EC]

Antitrust Reform frequently asked questions [EC-FAQ]


Reforming competition policy – European Parliament adopted the proposals


The European Parliament’s Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs adopted its first report on the Commission’s proposals


The Economic and Social Committee adopted its opinion on the proposed regulation, OJ C 155, 29.5.2001


Conference on "The Reform of European Competition Law" - Freiburg, 9 and 10 November 2000


Proposal for a Council Regulation on the implementation of the rules on competition laid down in Articles 81 and 82 of the Treaty - COM(2000) 582 pdf


White paper on modernisation of the rules implementing articles 85 and 86 [now 81 and 82] of the EC Treaty - Commission programme No. 99/027 pdf

cf. EEC Council: Regulation No 17: First Regulation implementing Articles 85[81] and 86[82] of the Treaty


2002-05-202003-01-15 US Court [related materials]

Eldred v. Ashcroft

Some Judges support for the plaintiff, but Court decided the Copyright Act did not infringe constitutional order


2002-012002-10-23 DOJ-FTC

Competition and Intellectual Property Law and Policy in the Knowledge-Based Economy


2002-03-07EC, 2002-05-07UK (DTI-DCMS)

New Communications Policy in EU and UK (under construction)

*2003-01-15 Oftel

Speech by David Edmonds Director General of Telecommunications to the IPPR Oxford Communications Convention

mainly on public service broadcasting from the experience of Oftel, pointing out similarities with telecom

*2003-01-15 DCMS

Tessa Jowell Responds to ITC Programme Supply Review

She said she was accepting almost all its recommendations, including amendments to the Communications Bill on the introduction of binding code of practice governing the dealings of broadcasters with independent production companies…for detailed contents refer to 2002-11-25

*2002-11-20 DTI-DCMS

Press Release: Communications Bill published [DTI site] / Communications Bill published [DCMS site]

Communications Bill [House of Commons site]

cf. BBC response to publication of Communications Bill

2002-11-14 DCMS

Tessa Jowell sets out new regime for local radio ownership

speech at Westminster Media Forum Thursday, 14 November

followed by the Queen’s State Opening of Parliament took place on Wednesday 13 November 2002, “Legislation will be brought forward to reform the broadcasting and telecommunications industry by promoting competition and investment and giving powers to the Office of Communications”

2002-10-29 DTI-DCMS

DCMS press release: Government responds to Joint Committee on Draft Communications Bill

DTI press release: Government responds to Joint Committee on Draft Communications Bill

2002-10-22 Oftel

Terms of supply of conditional access: Oftel guidelines

2002-09-27 EC

The Economics of Antitrust in the Telecommunications Sector, held at Brussels, Monday, 16 September 2002

European Commission, Centre Albert Borschette, 36 rue Froissart, 1040 Brussels, Room 0 D

new telecom regulatory framework, market definition, collective dominance, access…Economics of Antitrust in telecom sector

2002-09-19 JFTC                                                                         

政府規制と競争政策に関する研究会第1回電気通信事業ワーキンググループ議事概要 pdf

「欧州委員会による市場分析及び『有力な市場』の評価に関するガイドライン」(公取委訳) 2002-07-09

OFTELによる市場競争の評価に関するガイドライン」(公取委訳) 2002-08-05

2002-09-13 Oftel

Oftel publishes guidelines on access obligations to communications networks

Imposing access obligations under the new EU Directives

Consultation document Guidelines for the interconnection of public electronic communications networks

*2002-08-05 Oftel

Oftel's market review guidelines: criteria for the assessment of significant market power

cf. DTI press release

*2002-07 EC                    

Study on "Market Definitions for Regulatory Obligations in Communications Markets", prepared by Squire Sanders and Dempsey pdf

examines and analyses markets in the electronic communications sector with a view to defining relevant markets for ex-ante regulation and attempts to develop guiding principles or criteria for identifying candidate markets for ex-ante regulation

*2002-07-31 Oftel             

UK's response to the Commission's draft Recommendation on Relevant Markets pdf

*2002-07-31 UK Parliament

The Joint Committee published its Report on the draft Communications Bill pdf

cf. Following statement by the Ministers of DTI, DCMS

*2002-07-30 EC

Legislation and Regulation in the Transatlantic Framework Telecoms and Media -Speech by Herbert UNGERER pdf

at Executive Forum on the Telecommunications Industry, European Union Centre of the University System of Georgia, Atlanta, USA, 17.06.2002

*2002-07-30 ITC

ITC issues further commendations on draft Communications Bill

*2002-07-28 EC

Commission creates Radio Spectrum Policy Group and European Regulators Group

*2002-07-26 UK

Regulators Publish Statement On Joint Working

*2002-07-25 Ofcom

David Currie is appointed the new chair of OFCOM

*2002-07-15 RA

Implementing Spectrum Trading - A Consultation Document pdf

*2002-07-09 EC

Commission issues market power assessment Guidelines for electronic communications

COMMISSION GUIDELINES on market analysis and the assessment of SMP under the Community regulatory framework for Electronic communications networks and services pdf

*2002-06-18 EC

Commission launches public consultation on product and service markets in electronic communications sector

*2002-06-04 EC 

The new EU regulatory Framework for Electronic Communications: From sector regulation to Competition Law, speech by Christian HOCEPIED pdf [EC]

*2002-05-08 Oftel

The pricing of conditional access services and related issues

*2002-05-07 DTI-DCMS

The draft Communications Bill published - Joint Committee on the draft Communications Bill [UK Parliament]

*2002-03-07 EC

New Regulatory Framework for electronic communications infrastructure and associated services

adopted by the European Parliament and the Council of Ministers [will apply from 25 July 2003]

published in OJ L 108, of 24.04.2002 - consisting of four Directives and one Decision

*2002-03-06 DTI

Radio Spectrum Management Review [an independent review for DTI and HM Treasury]

reported by the team led by Prof. Marin Cave



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